After a four-year break, the legendary Studio Ghibli is releasing a new animated film “Earwig and the Witch”. The work of the legendary animator Hayao Miyazaki’s son – Goro Miyazaki – can be seen from March 25 in the cinemas “Pioner”, “Tsentralnyi”, “Raketa” and “Falcon Club Cinema Boutique”. The anime is based on the fairy tale by Diana Wynne Jones, the author of the famous “Howl’s Moving Castle”. The new animated film has been selected for the official program of the Cannes Film Festival in 2020.

Despite the fact that 10-year-old Earwig does not know parental affection and is brought up in the orphanage of St. Morwald, she considers herself a happy child. As soon as she wants, and all her desires are immediately fulfilled. But the careless life comes to an end when a strange person Bella Yaga decides to adopt the girl. The baby realizes that she has fallen into the hands of a real witch. With the help of her new friend, the talking cat Thomas, Earwig tries to resist the machinations of the evil sorceress, and at the same time learns the magic art. Earwig doesn’t look like a typical Japanese animation heroine. If she is in trouble, she will not sit still and wait for help, but will prefer to act and solve problems on her own.

The plot of the film unfolds in the 1990s, which made it possible to rid the heroes of the already familiar smartphones and other devices, to give more opportunities for direct communication with the outside world. One of the most important plot lines of the film was the era of the 1970s, which was the heyday of rock culture – an important task for the director was to convey the spirit of that time.

“Earwig and the Witch” will be released at the cinemas “Tsentralnyi”, “Raketa” and Falcon Club Cinema Boutique” from March 25 to April 7, at the cinema “Pioner” from March 25 to 31.

The film distribution in Minsk is organized by Visual and Performing Arts Centre “ART Corporation”.

We advise you to take precautions and make your movie visit not only pleasant but also safe: please wear masks and use other protective means.

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