– on the official website
To proceed to buying tickets, click on the “Buy tickets” button in the showbill or on the page of the desired performance.
Detailed instructions on how to make a purchase in the ticket booking system
On the site you can choose, book and buy tickets for the performances of TOKtheatre. You can find information about available seats, prices, bonuses on the web page of the performance you would like to see by clicking the “Buy tickets” button.
- In order to start booking and buying tickets, select the date when you are planning to attend the show and click on the “Buy ticket” button on the page of the show you have chosen.
- After clicking the “Buy ticket” button you will be redirected to the website of the booking and ticket purchase system. Here you will see the ticket prices for the performance you have chosen, as well as the audience hall plan.
- If you are already registered in the system, you can start booking a seat already at this stage, having previously authorized. If this is your first time in the system, you need to sign up. To do this, click on the corresponding button in the upper right corner of the page.
- A sign up window will appear, in which you should enter your data. With the help of them, you will be able to enter the system in the future. Information about your orders will be sent to the e-mail address that you enter in the “Login e-mail” field. Please note that the phone number must be entered in the international format without spaces: +375 (17) *** – ** – **. After filling in the data, read the terms of registration and by ticking the box, confirm your agreement with them. Click “Register”.
- You will be redirected to the window for choosing a seat in the audience hall for your selected performance. Confirmation that you are logged in to the system will be the appearance of the “Shopping cart” window in the upper left corner of the page. Here you can always see the information on the tickets you have chosen. You can now start booking.
- In order to book a seat, click on the cell with a seat in a certain sector on the audience hall plan. The selected cell will change color (you can select up to 6 tickets at a time). And the shopping cart will display the number of tickets you have selected, data on the selected tickets, the total cost of the selected tickets, as well as the amount of payment for the booking service (in the amount of 10 kopecks for each ticket purchased in the system). If you want to change your choice, click on the “Сross” button to cancel any of the tickets, or the button “Empty cart” to cancel all selected tickets. Do not forget to tick the box to accept the terms of use of the service (read it first). When you have made your final choice, click the “Submit Application” button to confirm your choice.
- A window will open with your order ready for payment. Information about your order will be sent to your email. Please check all the information provided here carefully. You can either cancel the order, or choose a payment method (bank cards Visa / MasterCard, “Settlement” system (ERIP) (United Payment and Information Space).
- After choosing to pay with a bank card, through a secure connection, you will be redirected to the payment page of Belgazprombank (Bank), where you must enter your card details. Carefully double-check the data you provided, as it will be impossible to cancel the payment made at this stage. Click the “Pay” button.
- The payment card data is checked and a request for authorization is generated to the issuing bank. In case of a positive result of authorization, the Bank will inform you about it in the column “Result”. Payment completed. In order to print the purchased ticket, click the “Return to the store” button.
- After making the payment, a button for printing tickets will be available on the page of your order.
Terms of user agreement
This public offer (hereinafter referred to as the “Offer”) regulates the relationship between on the one hand Private theatrical entertainment culture institution ‘Visual & Performing Arts Centre ‘ART Corporation’ (hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”), represented by Director Mrs. Krashevskaya Anzhela Aleksandrovna, acting under the Charter, and on the other hand with any individual who has accessed the website (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”) in order to purchase entrance tickets (hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer”), collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and separately – “Side”.
1.1. In this Offer, the following terms, when used in the singular or plural, have the following meaning:
a) “Ticket” — a document available on the order page on the Partner Site after payment has been made, confirming the payment for a ticket to a relevant cultural and entertainment event, tickets for which are sold by the Seller. The material medium of the ticket is a printout of the document received on the order page by the Buyer after the payment has been made, which must be printed out in order to attend a cultural and entertainment event;
b) “Reservation” — the process of placing an order on the Partner Site in accordance with the rules of this Offer, which allows you to pay for selected tickets for a cultural and entertainment event, tickets which the Seller distributes through the Partner Site, within the period specified in this Offer;
c) “Site” — the website of the Seller in the Internet, located at the address:, through which the Seller sells tickets to certain cultural and entertainment events;
d) “Partner Site” — a site located at, where the Buyer, using the “Personal Account” service, can place an order for the purchase of tickets;
e) “Payment page” — a subdomain page of the site located in the Internet, where the Buyer can pay for the ticket by entering the required data.
2.1. The subject of the agreement concluded by the Buyer’s acceptance of this Offer is the booking and purchase of tickets for cultural and entertainment events distributed through the Site with the help of the Partner Site.
2.2. The acceptance of this Offer is carried out:
2.2.1. By clicking on the “Buy” button on the Payment page in case of payment;
2.2.2. By clicking on the “Book” button on the Partner Site in case of booking a ticket / tickets – in the part of this Offer, which relates to booking tickets.
3.1. The Seller is obliged to:
3.1.1. provide full information on how to purchase tickets on the Partner Site;
3.1.2. provide information about the events, for which the Seller is engaged in the sale of tickets, on the Site and on the Partner Site;
3.1.3. if the Buyer purchases tickets, the Seller is obliged to process the information provided by him using the Partner Site and the Payment Page;
3.1.4. in case of cancellation of a cultural and entertainment event, a ticket for which was purchased by the Buyer on the Site using the Partner Site and the Payment Page, the Seller is obliged to post information about the cancellation of a cultural and entertainment event or a change in the schedule by publishing relevant information on the Site.
3.2. The Seller has the right to:
3.2.1. unilaterally make changes to this Offer without prior notice to the Buyer. In this case, the changes will be published at:;
3.2.2. temporarily suspend the sale of tickets through the Site and / or the Partner Site, notifying the Buyer about this by posting information on the Site;
3.2.3. refuse to sell tickets to the Buyer if the Buyer provides false information or if the Seller suspects that the Buyer has committed illegal actions with bank cards.
3.3. The Buyer is obliged to:
3.3.1. comply with the terms of this Offer;
3.3.2. provide accurate information at the time of booking / purchasing tickets;
3.3.3. do not carry out illegal actions with bank cards.
3.4. The Buyer has the right to:
3.4.1. to book a ticket for a cultural and entertainment event in the manner prescribed by this Offer and the Partner Site;
3.4.2. purchase tickets by making a payment using any of the methods offered by the Seller.
4.1. The buyer can make no more than 3 (three) orders for booking a ticket / tickets for a cultural and entertainment event, using the data of one bank card. Each order can contain a reservation of no more than 6 (six) tickets.
4.2. Reservations can be made for a cultural and entertainment event no later than 3 (three) calendar days before the cultural and entertainment event. Reservations are not made within 3 (three) calendar days before the cultural and entertainment event.
4.3. Booking a ticket / tickets for a cultural and entertainment event is valid for 3 (three) calendar days starting on the following day when the Buyer receives a booking confirmation. Within these 3 (three) days, the Buyer must make a payment to redeem the ticket / tickets or cancel the booking by clicking on the “Cancel order” button on the order page on the Partner Site.
* The reservation of a ticket / tickets booked 7 (seven) or less calendar days before the cultural and entertainment event are valid for 1 (one) calendar day. In this case, the Buyer must pay for a ticket / tickets till 23:30 on the day of a reservation or cancel the reservation by doing this through the “Cancel order” button on the order page on the Partner Site.
4.4. In the absence of payment for the ticket / tickets booked by the Buyer, within the terms specified in clause 4.2. of this Offer, the reservation is automatically canceled.
4.5. Reservation of a ticket / tickets for a cultural and entertainment event is carried out in accordance with the general rules for booking tickets on the Partner Site, located at:
5.1. The Buyer can purchase tickets for the selected cultural and entertainment event using a bank card (Visa, MasterCard) by entering the data required to make a payment and debiting funds from the Buyer’s bank account on the Payment page, as well as through the CALCULATION system (ERIP) (United Payment and Information Space).
5.2. The Buyer can place an order using the services available on the Partner Site as follows:
5.2.1. choose a cultural and entertainment event, an entrance ticket to which the Buyer wants to purchase;
5.2.2. if there is a choice: choose the date and time of the cultural and entertainment event, the entrance ticket for which the Buyer wants to purchase;
5.2.3. select the number of tickets that the Buyer wants to purchase;
5.2.4. if there is a choice: choose the seat / seats that the Buyer wants to pay for;
5.2.5. enter the data requested by the payment system on the Payment page, necessary for making a payment.
5.3. Upon successful withdrawal of funds, the Buyer will receive a confirmation of the payment and a ticket form on the order page on the Partner Site.
5.4. The payment is considered to be made by the Buyer, and the ticket is considered to be purchased by him, at the time of receipt of funds to the Seller’s account.
5.5. The Buyer must print the ticket form located on the order page in order to be admitted to the cultural and entertainment event in accordance with the purchased ticket.
6.1. The Buyer has the right to return the ticket purchased on the Site using the Partner Site no later than 1 (one) calendar day before the cultural and entertainment event, and in case of its cancellation, changes in the pre-announced time (dates) or venue, replacing it with another one – on the day of the canceled (changed) cultural and entertainment event.
6.2. The ticket blank printed by the Buyer must be returned to the address: 220030, Minsk, Internatsionalnaya Street, 21, on weekdays from 9:00 to 18:00.
6.3. The Buyer must inform the Seller of his intention to return the ticket no later than 1 (one) business day before the return of the ticket, provided that the day of return falls on a business day. The Buyer must inform the Seller of his intention to return the ticket on business days from 9:00 to 18:00 by phone number: + 375 44 490 48 99
6.4. The money paid by the Buyer for a ticket to a cultural and entertainment event will be returned to the Buyer by cash on the day the printed ticket is provided to the address: 220030, Minsk, Internatsionalnaya Street, 21. In case of a ticket return on the Buyer’s initiative, the Seller will refund 75 % (seventy five percent) of the original ticket price. In case of ticket refund due to cancellation, change of pre-announced time (s) or location of cultural and entertainment event, the Seller refunds the Buyer the full cost of the ticket.
6.5. After the return of the funds to the Buyer in accordance with the agreement concluded by accepting this Offer, the ticket goes on free sale on the website or through any other distribution method chosen by the Seller.
7.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under the agreement, which is considered concluded by the acceptance of this Offer, the parties are liable in accordance with the applicable legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
7.2. The Seller is not responsible for technical failures in the operation of the Site that occurred through the fault of the Internet provider of the Seller and / or the Buyer, the developer of the Site, the Partner Site, the site on which the Payment Page is located, as well as other technical problems.
7.3. The Buyer is liable in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus for providing deliberately false data when buying a ticket, as well as for damage caused by these actions to third parties.
7.4. The Buyer is liable in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus for unlawful actions with bank cards when buying a ticket, as well as for damage caused by these actions to third parties.
8.1. Confidentiality guarantees provided by the owner of the Payment Page are located at the following address: The Buyer does not guarantee the confidentiality of the information that was provided by the Buyer in the process of making a payment on the Payment Page.
9.1. The parties are released from liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the agreement concluded as a result of the acceptance of this Offer, for the duration of the force majeure circumstances. Force majeure means, among other things, natural phenomena (earthquakes, floods, etc.), circumstances of public life (military actions, emergency situations, strikes, epidemics, etc.), prohibitive measures of state bodies, etc.
10.1. The Seller and the Buyer undertake to take all measures to resolve all disputes and disagreements that may arise from an agreement concluded by accepting this Offer through negotiations.
10.2. If it is impossible to settle disputes under an agreement concluded by accepting this Offer, or in connection with it through negotiations, such disputes will be considered in court in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
11.1. If any of the terms of the agreement concluded as a result of the acceptance of this Offer will lose legal force, will be recognized as illegal and / or will be excluded from the agreement, this does not entail the invalidity of the remaining terms of the agreement, which will remain in force and are binding.
11.2. This Offer comes into force from the moment it is published on the Site and is valid indefinitely.
Private theatrical entertainment culture institution ‘Visual & Performing Arts Centre ‘ART Corporation’
Legal address: 220030 Minsk, Internacionalnaya Street, 21, Republic of Belarus
Taxpayer № 191761023
Bank details: BY33OLMP30150000014890000933, (BIC: OLMPBY2X)
Belgazprombank JSC, Banking Services Centre №705
Bank address: 5 Romanovskaya Sloboda St., Minsk.
– at ByCard box offices (box office addresses) and online
– at the box offices of the Yanka Kupala National Academic Theatre and on their website
– on the website
– on the website
– on the website
– on the website
Contact phone number: + 375 44 490 48 99
Purchased tickets are non-refundable, unless the event is canceled or replaced with another one, and if the ticket is returned at least 1 day before the event and has no visible damage.
In this case, a citizen or organization that has returned an entrance ticket is reimbursed 75% of the cost of the entrance ticket. In case of cancellation, change of the pre-announced time (dates) or location of the event, its replacement with another one on the day of the canceled (planned) event, as well as at other times established by the organizer of the event, the citizen or organization that returned the entrance ticket will be refunded the full cost of the entrance ticket*.
*Culture Code of the Republic of Belarus № 414-З dated 20th July 2016.
Electronic tickets are refundable only if there is a sales receipt. Visual and Performing Arts Centre “ART Corporation” is not responsible for fake tickets and tickets purchased in unidentified locations.
– at the box offices of cinemas of the Kinovideoprokat network (Tsentralny, Pioneer, etc.), Falcon Club Boutique Kino, Silver Screen and on their website,
– on the website
The entrance to the audience hall after the start of the performance is forbidden.
When attending our events, please remember to wear masks.