The 6th International Theatre Forum TEART will take place in Minsk from September 28 to October 20. The festival programme includes legendary performances and the best examples of modern Belarusian and foreign theatre. In the near future the tickets will be available on the websites TEART.BY, BYCARD.BY, KVITKI.BY and KUPALAUSKI.BY, but also at the theatre and city box offices.

The organizers of the International Theatre Forum TEART are Visual and performing arts centre “ART Corporation” and OJSC “Belgazprombank”, title partner is “Gazprom Transgaz Belarus”. The Forum will be held with the assistance of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus and the Minsk City Executive Committee.

This year TEART will show 22 productions of various genres and forms from 9 countries of the world: Belarus, Hungary, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Slovenia, France, Switzerland. The Festival’s programme is divided into 3 sections: international programme, programme Belarus Open and programme of side events.

The Belarusian showcase Belarus Open will open the TEART programme

The Festival will start with the performances of the Belarusian showcase Belarus Open which will be held from September 28 to October 5. The performance of the opening day is an independent theatre and music project From insects’ life directed by Svetlana Ben and Dmitry Bogoslavsky to music by Valery Voronov. The Belarusian programme will be continued by productions based on the works of Russian literature classics: The Lower Depths by Maxim Gorky in the interpretation of Igor Kazakov, director of Mogilev Regional Puppet Theatre and The Kreutzer Sonata by Leo Tolstoy directed by Saulius Varnas from Mogilev Regional Drama Theatre. At the end of the national programme on the 5th of October a Belarusian-Polish production Dziady by Pavel Passini based on the poem by Adam Mickiewicz from Brest Academic Drama Theatre will be shown.

Young people will be interested in performances about heroes of our time who cope with challenges of modernity: Sasha, take out the garbage by Dmitry Bogoslavsky based on the play of young Ukrainian playwright Natalia Vorozhbit and Opium by Alexander Marchenko – the first theater project created with the help of viewer funding on the fundraising platform ULEJ. Also a Belarusian team of experimentalists penAtra(C)tion-VII and dance performance Subject talk by Olga Skvortsova will surprise the audience. Their aim is to show the diversity of Belarusian art performance. It’s worth mentioning the form of the performance A sun city of dreams point zero based on the novel «Minsk. A Sun City of Dreams» by Arthur Klinau. Working with writer’s ideas Tanya Arcimovich and Anton Sarokin create images of global and local modernity by transforming this production in an exhibition-multimedia project.

Puppet shows liked by Minskers are included again in TEART programme. Spectators will enjoy the classic of ancient Greek literature in a production of Alexei Leliavski, winner of the Russian National Theatre Award The Golden Mask. The Birds is one of the most popular Aristophanes’s comedies. Dreamers and utopians have to watch it. It’s not the only work of Belarusian famous “Puppet Master” in the playbill of the festival: on 6 October The visit from Grodno Regional Puppet Theatre based on the work of Friedrich Dürrenmatt will be shown on the stage of Belarusian State Youth Theatre. One more puppet performance is Fro from Brest puppet theatre based on the story by Andrei Platonov. This story of separation staged by main director of Bolshoi Puppet Theatre and winner of the Russian National Theatre Award The Golden Mask Ruslan Kudashov will touch the hearts of all ages.

International programme of TEART starts on 6 October

Le Centre Chorégraphique National de La Rochelle opens on 6 October the international programme with his amazing dance adventure The Roots which combines electronic music, melodies of Brahms and Glazunov, fantastic body mobility and liberty of hip-hop.

Nobel productions will be a surprise for Minsk spectators. Fan favourite of Minskers Oskaras Koršunovas will show in Belarus Krapp`s Last Tape of OKT theatre based on the work of Samuel Beckett,  Juozas Budraitis plays the leading role. The performance of the principal literary triumphant of the year Svetlana Alexievich Second Hand Time directed by Vladimir Petrovich from Mogilev Regional Drama Theatre will take place on the Minsk stage.

In honour of four hundred years since the death of William Shakespeare performances based on famous works of British genius were included in TEART’s programme. The Slovene National Theatre Drama will present brilliant The Tragedy of Macbeth directed by Igor Pison. One more surprise for Minskers – tragicomedy Measure for Measure by Declan Donnellan which received The Golden Lion at the Venice Biennale in 2016. This production created by Moscow Pushkin Drama Theatre in collaboration with Cheek by Jowl British Theatre Company  became one of the most discussing culture events in Moscow. In the role of Lucio is Alexander Feklistov – film and theatre actor, award winner of The Golden Mask and Chaika.

From Swiss Lausanne to Belarus is coming the theater group of Théâtre de Vidy with the show King Size by Christoph Marthaler – a tender and melancholic musical love story. And performance Chopin Without Piano from Warsaw theater company Centrala is also filled with music. Actress Barbara Wysocka and director Michał Zadara create an experimental by form production – from two piano concert pieces they removed all piano part by replacing them with acting monologue.

Famous Hungarian film and theatre director Kornél Mundruczó in his performance Dementia examines human nature raising the problem of compassion for people with specific mental characteristics. In spite of complexity of the topic, this production is full of humour, wild dances and songs which displace the audience from social drama to an eccentric musical.

The Mission. Memories On A Revolution based on the play by Heiner Müller, a prominent figure in German theatre   — performance-co-production of Ruhr theatre festival and Theatre Hannover is also filled with thoughts about society and its values. Lead characters arrive to Jamaika with the aim to spread the idea of “freedom, equality, fraternalism” among slaves.

On 19 and 20 October the performance City. Marriage. Gogol, award winner of St Petersburg’s Highest Theatre Prize Golden Sofit in the nomination “the best performance on the big stage”  directed by Yury Butusov will close the International Theatre Forum TEART. On the stage of the National Academic Janka Kupala Theatre will act the stars of Russian theatre stage: Anna Kovalchuk — winner of the St. Petersburg’s Highest Theatre Prize Golden Sofit, Award in the nomination – Best Female Actress, Sergey Migitsko, Evgeny Filatov, Aleksandr Novikov – Winners of the St. Petersburg’s Highest Theatre Prize Golden Soffit Award in the nomination – Best Ensemble Cast.

More details about performances and programme of side events we will tell in the near future. Follow the information on the website