From October 2 to 8, 2019, within the framework of the School of TEART of the International Forum of Theater Arts TEART, a directing laboratory will be held under the direction of Swiss director Denis Maillefer. The workshop will focus on the director and his vision of the play. During 6 days, participants will work on a sketch based on the play Richard III by William Shakespeare. The results of the laboratory will be shown in public.

In the application, the director is expected to briefly describe the idea of ​​staging the play Richard III. It can be either a vision of the whole play, or the vision of a particular scene or scenes. According to the description, the thematic, semantic and stage solution of the text should be clear.The selection of applications will be carried out by the curatorial team of the festival.

The terms of participation:

1. Applications are accepted from Belarusian directors with professional specialized education and (or) experience in theatrical production.

2. The ability to completely immerse in work during the laboratory – from October 2 to 8, 6 hours a day.

3. The director needs to independently assemble a team of actors for his sketch.

4. The director is provided with a platform for working on a sketch. Please note that funding for stage expenses is not provided.

The application should contain the following information:

1. Director’s autobiography indicating professional education, work experience. Contact details.

2. A brief concept of future work in free form (an average about 300 words):

It is necessary to indicate the format of the future sketch, the presence of the features of the director’s method of working with the material (the use of plasticity, music, technical equipment, etc.), the genre of the performance. It is necessary to describe the main topics and ideas that will become key ideas in the work on the material. Also in the director’s application it is possible to indicate all the specificities of future work.

The competition takes responsibility for non-disclosure of the information that the director’s application contains.

Deadline for applying: September 3, 2019

Send your application to e-mail: [email protected]

Information about the curator of the laboratory:

Denis Maillefer is a Swiss director, pedagogue, co-director of the La Comedie de Genève Theatre (Geneva, Switzerland). He staged about forty performances, including drama and opera. In the field of drama theatre he staged “Berenice” by Jean Rasin, “The Cherry Orchard” by Anton Chekhov, “La Supplication” based on the book “Chernobyl Prayer” by Svetlana Aleksievich and many others.

He teaches at the La Manufacture High School of Performing Arts in Lausanne. He led workshops in France, Russia (Kazan and Moscow) and India (New Delhi).

He was co-director of the theater Les Halles in Sierre (Switzerland).

The directing laboratory will be held with the support of the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia.
