A lecture on the unique style of Yasujiro Ozu, the most Japanese of all directors, will be held in advance of the Japanese Film Week. Igor Sukmanov, film critic and program director of the Listapad MIFF, will become a guide to the world of his films.. OZU: Cinema Of One Genius lecture will be held at the Ok16 space on March 20.
In Minsk, people started talking about Yasujiro Ozu’s incredible talent at the club film screenings in the year two thousand. In 2015, a rare picture of the director, Tokyo Twilight, was shown at the 22nd Listapad MIFF as part of the Masterpieces of Japanese Cinema out-of-competitive section (to the 120th anniversary of the Shochiku company). In 2018, Ozu became one of the key subjects in the Japanese Cinema. The Empire of Feelings lecture, which opened the seventh festival of Japanese cinema.
The eighth retrospective of Japanese OZU film will be held at the Pioner cinema from April 2 to 7 with the support of the JTI Company in Belarus, the unchanged partner of the screenings. This year’s retrospective is dedicated to the legendary Yasujiro Ozu, who is not for nothing called «the most Japanese of all directors»: his pictures reflect the theme of family relations. While the family is the embodiment of the Japanese soul.
Addressing these innermost things, the director spoke about the changes that permeate Japanese society. Japan of that time was one of the most closed territories. It was already in the second half of the twentieth century that it faced the trends of Western culture. How did the West influence the Japanese worldview? How did Yasujiro Ozu show these changes in his films? We will look for answers to these and many other questions at the lecture.
«Yasujiro Ozu is one of those sacred figures without which it is impossible to talk about the Japanese history of cinema. Europe opened Ozu very late, only in the ’60s and ’70s of the last century. At that time, everyone was amazed: identity and unquestioning adherence to national traditions formed quite an incredible language of Japanese cinema. Therefore, we are pleased that as part of retrospectives that we organize every year, we have an opportunity to remind about «old acquaintances». During the lecture, we will talk about the features of Ozu’s style, focus on how he is perceived, and how to enjoy watching his films. Our lecture is open to everyone who loves Japanese culture, Japanese cinema, and cinema itself in general. For some, it will be a discovery of Ozu as a director, for others – a guide book to the world of his films», says Igor Sukmanov.
The JTI Company is the general partner of the lecture and the retrospective of Japanese cinema.
You can purchase tickets for the lecture at artcorporation.by or by phone at +375(44)490-48-99 as well as at ticket offices and on the following websites: bezkassira.by, bycard.by, kassy.by, kupalauski.by, smsbilet.by.
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