The premiere of the show “Children’scrusade” directed by Yura Divakov, based on the play of the contemporary Belarusian playwright Andrei Ivanov will take place on March 19 at 19:30 in the space of the cultural incubator OK16 (Oktyabrskaya, 16). You may also see the new theatre project of the visual & performing arts center “ART Corporation” on April 9 and 10 at 19:30.

 In the hardest times humanity desperately needs faith. Hunger and poorness reign in the medieval French village of Mere. The interweaving of human vices confronts with the purity and naivety of childhood, a series of random encounters and revelations leads to irreversible consequences and now kids become weapons in the hands of Divine Providence.

The real medieval story about children’s crusade in this performance turns into thinking about person’s growing up, where the first independent choice is a decision to leave into the unknown. The crusade becomes a symbol of the existence of all mankind that are stepping into adult life, and dying in the name of ideas and beliefs. Fighting, falling… and so on ad infinitum.


Play: Andrei Ivanov
Directed by: Yura Divakov
Set and costume design: Tatyana Divakova

Composer: Eric OrlovShimkus
Video director: Dina Danilovich
Lighting Designer: Yura Divakov
Video: Ekaterina Chekatovskaya

nd: Ksenia Korolchuk



Jacques: Dmitry Davidovich

Jorguet – Marina Demidchik-Zdoronkova

Blaise – Ilya Yasinsky

Blanche – Veronica Buslaeva


Tomas – Dmitry Davidovich
Anna – Veronica Buslaeva
Father  Basile – Ilya Yasinsky

Godfroi – Dmitriy Davidovich
Victor – Dmitry Davidovich, Veronika Buslaeva, Ilya Yasinsky
Cricket – Veronica Buslaeva

Luc The Blacksmith – Marina Demidchik-Zdoronkova


Duration – 1 hour 20 min (no intermission)
In Russian language
Venue – Art Space “OK16” (Octyabrskaya, 16)

 You can buy a ticket on our website or by phone +375 29 6226444; tickets are also available on the sites,,