Visual and performing arts centre “Art Corporation” announces new cultural project – a creative communicative platform “TOK: Teatr. Obrazovanie. Kino” (Theatre. Education. Film)!


Visual and performing arts centre “Art Corporation” has been in Minsk for 8 years. Since then “Art Corporation” has implemented a lot of film, theatrical, exhibition and educational projects, the largest of which are held annually – International Theatre Forum “TEART”, Minsk international film festival “Listapad” and the retrospective of Japanese cinematography. Importantly, Visual and perfoming arts centre doesn’t stop its work throughout the year, we constantly work on TheatreHD, project by “Listapad. Collection” where we rent movies, and we also produce independent theatrical perfomances. But we are always looking for new ideas to create interesting cultural projects, we are ambitious and curious, we want to grow up and evolve. That’s why we create TEC project.

“TEC” is a creative communication platform, aimed at the creation and maintenance of a new creative project in such spheres as theatre, cinematography, education and their junctions. TEC works with local community via dialogue to create an interest in independent films and contemporary theatre, their better understanding and accessibility in the cultural space of Minsk, which is mostly focused on traditions and mainstream.

The main activities of “TEC” are audience development and artist support. The first one is aimed to attract and work with the audience of contemporary theatre and independent films in Minsk to “create love between art and audience”. The second one is about the coaching of theatrical, educational and film projects. TEC laboratory selects projects carefully, provides continuous preceptial support, acting as creative consultants and is responsible for the promotion and setting of a new project. We offer authors and audience to see new possibilities of theatre as contemporary site specific art.

Among the implemented and existing projects of “TEC” are the following: the play “Opium” and documentary play “Anti[gone]” by Alexander Marchenko; romantic stories night “The theorem of Love. Pink filters”, stage reading of the play “The Crusade of Children” by Andrey Ivanov; the project “Belarus 4’33. A Sun City of Dream Point Zero” by Tatyana Artimovich and Anton Sorokin; the lecture “The theatre without stage” by theatre expert Ksenia Dubovskaya.


“TEC” calendar for April 2018

On 9 and 10 April the premiere of the play “The Crusade of Children” directed by Yura Divakov will take place in creative space OK16.

On 12 April we will show the documentary play “Anti[gone]” by A.Marchenko with renewed cast.

On 18 April in OK16 we will talk again about Korotkevich, show several little-known short films where the great writer is the author of script, tell about the result of folk ethnographic expeditions of Vladimir Korotkevich which formed the basis of these films. Irina Demyanova will hold the night.

On 19 April meet-the-artist session “Kudinenko about Kudinenko” with Belarusian filmmaker Andrey Kudinenko will take place in cultural incubator OK16. At the meeting will be shown some excerpts from filmmaker’s project and fragments from movies that influenced his creativity. The moderator of the meeting is Igor Sukmanov.

On 23 April in the calendar of TEC there will be “Opium” by A.Marchenko.

Tickets for all events are available on,,, For information, call 392 29 54.

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