While Minsk theaters are on vacation, TheatreHD continues to show the best productions of the most famous English, French and American theaters. The premieres of Elektra/Orestes and Small Island, shows of The Audience at the Theater Club and The Golden Mask in Cinema – new productions and favorite theater hits are waiting in cinemas!

The ever-relevant Miss Julie by August Strindberg in the interpretation of a trio of talented English women – playwright Polly Stenham, director Carrie Cracknell and actress Vanessa Kirby will open the August affiche. The main character in their version becomes a promiscuous young lady from high society, valet Jan becomes a migrant driver, and cook Christina becomes a Brazilian maid. The updated Strindberg masterpiece called Julie will be shown at Silver Screen velcom cinema on August 4.

“Forget the Game of Thrones, no one understands violence like Euripides,” the critic wrote after the premiere of Ivo van Hove’s production of  Elektra/Orestes. Winner of the Laurence Olivier Award, the Tony Award and the Moliere Award, known at TheatreHD for the productions of All About Eve and Gedda Gubler, the director plunges into antiquity to emphasize the social nature of the theater and to extract from the ancient myth a keen sense of modernity. The premiere show will take place on August 6 at Centralny cinema.


The largest joint cultural project of Russia and Canada, 5 nominations for the Golden Mask Award and Evgeny Mironov in all roles of Shakespeare’s tragedies – Hamlet|Collage of the Moscow Theater of Nations is waiting for its audience on August 7 at the Falcon Club Cinema Boutique.

The theater affiche will be diluted with an art lecture: a documentary film-journey into the life, art and love story of Salvador Dali and his muse Gala will be shown on August 11 at the Centralny cinema. Salvador Dali: In Search Of Immortality is a unique chance to listen to an artist’s interview and see exclusive shots of Dali working.

The Theater Club in Silver Screen velcom cinema successfully opened in July. The next production, which can be watched and discussed with theater experts, will be The Audience with Helen Mirren as Elizabeth II. On August 11, viewers are invited to enjoy the dramatic, directorial and acting triumph of classic British theater. A striking story will allow you to look into the life of the most famous monarch family and show that even now all the kings and queens are living people with their habits. The meeting will be moderated by the head of the ART Corporation Center and the TEART Forum, Angelika Krashevskaya.

Another premiere of the season is the production of Small Island based on the novel of the same name by Andrea Levy, dedicated to the difficult fate of immigrants from Jamaica, who found themselves in post-war London. A storm will rage on the stage, a ship will float on the waves, Paradise Jamaica will melt under the sun, the wind of the Yorkshire wilderness will blow… The cast of the production of Rufus Norris is also strong: Leah Harvey, Ashlyn Loftus and Gershwyn Eustache Jnr. will confidently guide the viewer through all the turns of history, it will be hard to let it go. The premiere will be held on August 13 at Centralny cinema.


Exciting, like a thriller, with sudden twists, tense and rapidly unfolding drama All My Sons will make everyone in the audience think about whether everything is allowed to be done for the sake of the family? Business, love and Oscar-winning Sally Field in the scenery of post-war America – showings of the production by Jeremy Herrin will be held on August 14 at Falcon Club Cinema Boutique and on August 25 at Silver Screen Velcom cinema.

On August 18 at Centralny one of Shakespeare’s most intense plays – The Merchant of Venice – in the interpretation of Jonathan Munby will be shown. And at the Falcon Club Cinema Boutique the production of Ivo van Hove All About Eve Дж with Gillian Anderson and Lily James, already beloved by the viewer will be shown.

On August 21, two Minsk cinemas at once will turn into the stage of the Metropolitan Opera for several hours. Bohemia at Centralny will tell you about Paris in the 1830s, where the action takes place and where artistic friendly clubs were so fashionable, and about Milan in the 1890s, where the composer’s youth passed, and also about the youth of each of those who is listening to the opera. And the grandiose costume production of Sonja Frisell, in which all the opera stars of the past decades managed to take part, Aida will win the hearts of the audience of Falcon Club Cinema Boutique.


8 years – this is what took curators of the exhibition Jheronimus Bosch – Visions of Genius to get a large part of the artist’s pictorial heritage for the exhibition, without which there would be neither Goya nor Dali. You can see the result of the work in the film The Curious World of Hieronymus Bosch 2 on August 25 at the Centralny cinema.

The first performance of TheatreHD Frankenstein: Cumberbatch, an unforgettable production of Danny Boyle based on the novel by Mary Shelley, remains one of the main hits of the project. Frankenstein is a unique chance to see Jonny Lee Miller as a creature, and Benedict Cumberbatch as its creator, as well as the opportunity to see two leading British actors changing roles. The show will be held on August 27 at the Centralny cinema.

The most famous performance of the British choreographer Matthew Bourne, which completely changed the concept of Tchaikovsky’s classical ballet will close the summer series of shows. Matthew Bourne: Swan Lake is a tragic story of the unfortunate prince, suppressed by a powerful mother, and Swan, who turned out to be the only soul mate, but subjected the Prince to an unbearable test, which can be seen on August 28 at the Falcon Club Cinema Boutique.
